Happy birthday to Samprita. Yes it is Samprita’s 2nd birthday!
Like others, due to COVID we also have been through up’s & down’s
We are grateful for our customers who have been and will be supporting us as always. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
From home based take away, we have taken another smaller step in serving you from OUR POP-UP DINE-IN at Maakleeplek. Thank you for your positive support and feedbacks, this makes us improve and learn more.
Samprita would like to thank Isabella from Sundry seeds, for trusting us and supporting small business especially for women entrepreneurs.
Also we would want to thank our friends, they have been supporting us in the background.
On this special occasion we would like to offer you South Indian warm meal, with limited regional specialties.
Reserve your places for the dine-in and join us to make this occasion extra special.
For dine-in menu: https://www.samprita.com/dine-in-menu
For reservations (open until Wednesday): https://www.samprita.com/contact-us